Fancy a tipple? You’ve come to the right place. Let's Talk Gin. Every drop of 1881 Gin is taken from our own private spring – Shieldgreen – the very same spring that drew people to ‘take the waters’ at Peebles Hydro when we opened our doors in 1881. Today, the draw is rather different: Shieldgreen now supplies the gleaming copper stills of our distillery and our attendant gin school. Along with many of the botanicals grown here in the grounds and our very own tonic water, 1881 Gin is trickled, nurtured and perfected by Peebles. Meet the 1881 Gin Family here.
Glimpse behind the distillery scenes with our masterclass in all things gin. We offer a range of distillery tours and experiences where you can try your hand at making your own bespoke blend of gin. Find out more here.
Home to over 90 different kinds of gin, it’s hard not to love our Gin Palace. Slap bang in the middle of our hallway, it’s pretty hard to miss. The hardest part will be picking your tipple. Relax in the lounge or sun room, and if you’re lucky you might even get to catch some sun outside.
This autumn, we're treating you to a complimentary 20cl bottle of 1881 Gin, plus a free night on us when you book to stay with us for two or more nights. Sounds good, right? Book your stay using code AUTUMN24 before midnight on 11 October. Valid for stays from 16 September - 19 December 2024.